It’s a preview of a “synthetic reality mod”, and hinges on a few simple questions: “What if Fallout 4 was more like Westworld? What if the sole survivor was a Gen-4 synth? What if Father’s agenda was a lot more similar to Ford’s agenda?” YouTuber Toro Montana – who has previously created mods for Bethesda’s 2015 action-RPG that turn Preston Garvey into a giant mutant and turn the Commonwealth’s clock forward nine years, for example – has posted footage of the project, titled ‘Let’s Turn Fallout 4 Into Westworld’. Now, a Fallout 4 fan has brought the two worlds together with a new mod that turns the RPG game’s concluding portion into Westworld. Like the sci-fi series Westworld, Fallout 4 is set in a dystopian, technologically advanced version of America, and similarly features an organisation that can create ‘synths’ – though there are a few more ‘rads’, Nuka-Cola bottles, and mutant monsters knocking about.